Caribbean Forest School


Holistic learning through adventure.

IslandCorps Forest School is the first of its kind in the entire Caribbean. We believe in the open-air culture, Friluftsliv, better known as the free-air life practiced in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom.

Early childhood participants up to eight years of age are taught problem-solving skills by encouraging curiosity, fostering play, and fearless exploration in an outdoor class setting. Participating learners are encouraged to develop socially, emotionally, and intellectually with an awareness and understanding they, too, are a part of our planet’s natural ecosystem.

IslandCorps Caribbean Forest School inspires development, feeling, and thought in a learner-centered education process for all children to develop executive functions and well-being so children can individually secure the future of human freedom for all. Life outdoors is living.

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eStrategy is a remote-first, multilingual digital communications technology lab dedicated to create a more connected, healthier, positive world of innovative economic opportunities for all. We are an ecosystem of creative, kind people, augmenting and amplifying human capability across the internet.

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